Thursday, January 13, 2011

faithfulness of God

Looking for God's faithfulness amidst the storms of life is one of those things I wish I really rocked. Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I want to get it right. But then there are those moments.....
But when I can look back and see what God has done, what He has been doing all along and (sometimes) I chose to ignore it--I realize that every step of the way, in all things, He was completely faithful.
God was faithful when I chose to be faithless and He was faithful when I brought out the mustard seed-sized faith. God was faithful when I chose to be grumpy and He was faithful in the midst of my joyful following after Him. God was faithful on my mountaintop and faithful when I found myself in the valley of life.
That's why I just love this theme of Deuteronomy that keeps coming to light:
Remember the times when God brought down heaven to show you great and mighty things. Keep those hidden in your heart so that you can share with others how awesome God is. So when you go through times of struggle, God's faithfulness is the first thing you choose to cling to.
I challenge you to look for what God is doing and how He is working even in the midst of heartache and pain. Record moments in your life when God did something amazing. Take a picture to capture the essence of what that time in your life meant for you, so that you will always remember, and never forget, the faithfulness of God in your life.
I have a picture of the car that God provided for us when our car was stolen just months into our marriage and one of an anonymous check given to us at Christmastime in 2005, arriving just in time.
I have a picture of my husbands "working man" jeans to remind us of the season where God provided through unexpected avenues and taught us so much.
What are your pictures? The snapshots of your life that display the faithfulness of God in extraordinary and ordinary ways.
"You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides Him there is no other." Deuteronomy 4:35

1 comment:

  1. you are so right girl, we get blessed in unexpected and much appreciated ways all the time. great idea to take reminder pics so you never forget those blessings:)
